List of known bots

paperbotGrinnz@perlbot/bot/grinnz/paperbotGeneral link information handling. Gives out page titles, reads tweets, etc.
repasterGrinnz@perlbot/bot/grinnz/repasterTakes pastes off icky pastebin sites and re-pastes them onto
perlbotsimcop2387@perlbot/bot/simcop2387/perlbotThe original famous perlbot. Does a bit of everything, mostly factoid based
perlbotdevsimcop2387@perlbot/bot/simcop2387/perlbotdevA seldom used development version of perlbot, used when doing stuff that will be disruptive to normal bot operations
metabotsimcop2387@perlbot/bot/simcop2387/metabotAn in development bot for logging and auditing chanop behavior. Will log channel messages but those logs will not be public
meatbotsimcop2387@perlbot/bot/simcop2387/meatbotAn alternate name for metabot that will be used for dev versions/work for the time being, but eventually as an alternate nick for expanding to more channels
farnsworthsimcop2387@perlbot/bot/simcop2387/farnsworthA bot that speaks only Language::Farnsworth
cubertsimcop2387@perlbot/bot/simcop2387/cubertA similar bot to farnsworth that speaks a slightly updated version of Language::Farnsworth. The changes are really minor and won't affect anything normally
candidepragma-@about/c/bot/candide-Another featureful bot writen in perl with lots of features.

Special bots

This is listed here as they're not normal bots, usually just relay bots, maybe should color them differently in the above table?

perlbot-losimcop2387@perlbot/relay/oftc/simcop2387Relays between Libera #perl-oftc and OFTC #perl. To help provide a better experience for OFTC #perl users.